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Press Releases

Coventry Releases Peer Review of Lapetus Life Expectancy Study

FORT WASHINGTON, PA, JULY 22, 2024: Coventry today released an independent, academic peer review confirming the results of an internal analysis of life expectancy estimates issued by leading life expectancy providers. That analysis found that estimates issued by Lapetus Solutions, Inc. are consistently the shortest by a wide margin—meaning that valuations based on Lapetus life expectancies could lead to significantly inflated asset values and investor losses.


Coventry Study Finds Lapetus Life Expectancies are Shorter than Competitors in 85% of Cases Reviewed

FORT WASHINGTON, PA, May 7, 2024: Coventry today released the results of an internal review that found life expectancy estimates issued by Lapetus Solutions, Inc. are consistently and materially shorter than those issued by other life expectancy providers, potentially leading to the overvaluation of life insurance policies and investor losses. The results cast doubt on the accuracy of asset valuations based primarily on Lapetus life expectancies.